Monday, October 3, 2011

The Journey

If you're in the area, services start:

Fellowship/coffee/pastries - 9:45 AM
Sunday school:  10:00 AM
Children's SS: 10:00 AM

Adult's & Teens: 11:00 AM
Children grades 1-5: 11:00 AM

Sunday PM:
Family Service: 5:30 PM

Wednesday PM (new order starts October 19, 2011)
AWANA: 6:30 - 6:45- sanctuary
AWANA: breakout groups: 6:45 - 7:45 PM - children's departments
Adult Prayer/study: 6:45 - 7:45 PM - sanctuary


I heard on the radio recently that even the Athiests are concerned over worldwide disorder. Is this world coming to end they ask? Even the blind sense cataclysmic events from weather, natural disasters to global economies to the breakdown of infrastructures. People around the world without Christ don't understand, there is plenty of fear of the unknown.  

Christians have been given the key to the mystery surrounding prophetic events. 

The world has been in the process of preparation.  God is preparing this old world for it's final chapter.  He compares its last days to a pregnant women in travail.  Towards the end of day, our known world will give us pain just like a woman delivering her child.

So what do we do?  Do we move forward with biblical knowledge and continue to win souls for Christ or do we retreat in fear.


My name is Hector Rodriguez, Pastor at Journey Baptist Church, West Columbia, South Carolina.

Greetings and a warm welcome to you from the south. 

Just over a year ago we embarked on a journey to launch a brand new church.  Here we are one year later and I'm happy to report that our church plant is doing well. 

If there is anything we have learned over the past year is that God shows up at all our activities, events, services, anywhere we are, He is there!  The second thing we have learned is that God is faithful.  He has blessed our church more than we had ever dreamed of.  I'm not talking about just material blessing, but about human intervention blessings.  The third things we have learned is that God loves Journey. 

God has given us so much in twelve short months, we are besides ourselves.  In our first year, ten souls were saved, seven of which were baptized.  Three more will be getting baptized in due time.  Here's another example of material blessings; recently we began to redo one of our rooms to get it ready for an office, but we didn't want to spend any money on a desk, shelves, bookcases, etc.  So we put it to prayer.  Whola!  One month later, we rec'd a call from friends that they wish to donate two huge trailer loads chock full of office furniture.  Wow! Folks, I can't help but rejoice in the fact that God looks after His own.  We could go on and on about these kinds of blessings.

Starting a church is hard work.  It takes true teamwork to get the work done. We have a great team at Journey. People dedicated to winning souls to Christ. It takes a team willing to get out of the church setting and hit the streets.  Some say that can't do soul winning. That's unfortunate.  The Bible makes no distinction as to who is responsible to win souls.  In fact, it says we are all to get out there and share the story of Christ.

None of us have any idea when Christ will come back, but that's more reason to win more souls to Christ while we still have a chance. 

Check out some recent photos of recent activities at Journey:
Shane and Cody patch up the driveway
Guess who is the Clemson fan and who is a Carolina fan?
is coming to Journey October 19
Registration starts October 9 at the church
Jamie will be our AWANA Commander
Kenny retuns from hospital after taking a spill on his scooter
God reminds us of His Promise

Journey Loggers
Our men begin clearing land recently acquired